Specially Canadian species like bass, white sucker, pickerel etc. Would be nice to get an upgrade to more types of fish.
Specially Canadian species like bass, white sucker, pickerel etc. Would be nice to get an upgrade to more types of fish.
There needs to be a US version...I guess if I travel to Russia Im all set!! I assumed it was a global thing....
Not good for american fisherman. Save your money.
Yea, largemouth??? Bluegill??? Walleye??? Wheres America??? Pretty useless for people here. O_o
And thats about it. Being an American freshwater fisherman I dont see any of my usual catches in this app. Bass?? Waleye?? Bluegill?? Crapie?? Cmon.. These are staples of American fishing. Also where are the sub categories? So many varieties of trout out here that you cant bundle them all into one category.. Anyway if your an American fisherman wait for an update to snag this app. Or wait for it to come around free again.
No common USA species of fish. I really like this app but useless in USA. if it gets an update with local fish I will give a few more stars. This app is a good start. US Buyers hold out for an update.
Nothing really to common. But its good, I mean besides a Northern Pike there isnt much else that People want.
Really not applicable.
Bad info for where I live no salmon, steelhead, sturgeon, bass, trout, exc..... Your app is way off from all other fishing resources. And with moon phase. In this state today is the best day to fish this week. According to tide book as well as wdfw. Please fix app to provide accurate info. Because so far this has been the most inaccurate app.
Absolutely worthless!
The whole reason I bought this thing was for bass fish and it doesnt even list them on it terrible!!!!
Needs more spieces of fish.
Or I would be really pissed it doesnt list that many fish no bass one kind of trout and no rainbow trout no bluegill no Chanel catfish I havent tried fishing on the green icon days yet but Im sure that is hit and miss The best part of the app is the information on how it works part of app with water temp and sunny or cloudiness and rain and how those things affect the bite
Absolute garbage!!!!!! I want my dollar back!!!!!!!!!
The program is not user friendly. It is difficult to look at future days in order to make fishing plans. It does not include the favorite game fish of north America such as bass. I question how global fish are. Are good fishing days the same worldwide? It seems it would be regional.
Its really best fishing application in AppStore!
Думал игра. А это справочник рыбака. Надо как-то выделить. ------------------------------- 3G 16GB 3.1.3 Jailbreak - не запускается! 5 сек. темный экран и вылетает на спрингборд. айПоГрибы тоже долго запускаться не хотела, но она ломаная , а это официал. МорталКомбат и РеалРалли запускается, а каких-то 5 картинок с парой страниц текста - нет. Разработчики, большой минус! 3G 16GB 3.1.3 Jailbreak - will not runing! 5 sec. i have a dark screen and crashes to the Springboard. iPoGriby too long run is not runing, but it is a crack, but its official version of this programm. MortalKombat and RealRally runing, but this 5 images with a couple of text pages - no. The developers, shame on you!
When are us species comming
There are only a few fish on this app that are found in the united states! And most of the fish on the app always say is going to be really poor for them all of the time! The app is completely useless!
No species of bass and I fish for five kinds! Junk